Continuous treatments have posed a significant challenge for causal inference, both in the formulation and identification of scientifically meaningful effects and in their robust estimation. Traditionally, focus has been placed on techniques applicable to binary or categorical treatments with few levels, allowing for the application of propensity score-based methodology with relative ease. Efforts to accommodate continuous treatments introduced the generalized propensity score, yet estimators of this nuisance parameter commonly utilize parametric regression strategies that sharply limit the robustness and efficiency of inverse probability weighted estimators of causal effect parameters. We formulate and investigate a novel, flexible estimator of the generalized propensity score based on a nonparametric function estimator that provably converges at a suitably fast rate to the target functional so as to facilitate statistical inference. With this estimator, we demonstrate the construction of nonparametric inverse probability weighted estimators of a class of causal effect estimands tailored to continuous treatments. To ensure the asymptotic efficiency of our proposed estimators, we outline several non-restrictive selection procedures for utilizing a sieve estimation framework to undersmooth estimators of the generalized propensity score. We provide the first characterization of such inverse probability weighted estimators achieving the nonparametric efficiency bound in a setting with continuous treatments, demonstrating this in numerical experiments. Open source software implementing our proposed estimation techniques, the haldensify
R package, is briefly introduced.